i AM myself
I hate looking myself in the mirror,I hate knowing I have fear.
I hate seeing what isn't there,I hate feeling that I am scared.
I hate believing what isn't true,I hate believing and trusting you.
I hate crying myself to sleep,
Forgive me for I have dreams.
I feel left out and all alone,With no one to call my own.
My eyes are red and I cry blood,
Please help me or I'll cry a flood.
My friends see what I let them see,
If they only could see the true side of me.
And as I die inside with pain,
Please don't think that I'm insane.
Cause believe it or not I have a heart,
That's been slowly torn apart
Cant you see that i love you so?
Friday, December 08, 2006
really felt bad tat i could not make it down to the friendly tat the team was having with njc and sajc in the morning.
met the team at bedok reservior b4 i headed home with sarah to change...
the farewell was really amazing, thank you each n evryone of u...u all really put in a lot of effort n time...n we really appriciate it.
me,sarah,huiying,grace n wei ming arrived early at SUNHAVEN
then got to wait for everyone to come first...
haha..meanwhile we gossiped, joked n ate...
when everyone was here...there was another surprise la...
all of us have to put on these cute looking bunny ears...
its was hilarious...
(will upload the phots once i receive them...)
then we were led to the bbq area...
somemore we had to hop there...
ahhh...it was really a rare sight man...
the place was really well decorated la...
the table was set with candles n it was juz so lovely...
the juniors were all really very thoughtful...
food was also barberqued n served by them...
awww...so sweet rite...
then there was the 'hai dai' games session...
it was really damn funny...
especially mr chua who was playing...
totally throw away all image to play la...
haha..all of us really had a good laugh tat time...
then after dinner we were taken back to the function room to view a powerpoint tat the juniors made...
to tell u the truth i was really touched by all tat they have done...
everything tat was shown felt do real, words tat were spoken straight from the heart
hehe...the girls even baked 2 cheese cakes for us...
the cheese cake was really delicious...
thanks girls...
then the seniors went up to mr chua's place...
he was so nice...
we made him sing the song 'tong hua' for us..
it was really touching...we could totally relate to the lyrics...
if i cld i would really love to stay with the canoeing team...
the feelin of being with them feels juz like a family...
i will miss each n everyone in the canoeing team...
u are the ppl tat made a difference in my life,
the ppl tat i spent my happy n sad times with,
the ppl tat i went thru so much with...
i really can't bear to part with u all...
okay...emotions aside...after the farewell was party time at MOS
hehe..went back to grac's place to change before huiying, grace n i cab down to MOS...
met up with the juniors there...n by the time went went in was 12 plus...
the place was so damn packed la...
haha...got underaged party wat to do...
managed to squeeze onto the dance floor...
but was seperated from grace n huiying...so i was kinda worried initally...
then i was with berlinda, evelyn , suzhen n elvis...
the place was so packed tat there is almost no space to move la...
seriously there were many times tat ur feet will be stepped on n being pushed till u lose ur balance...
still we had fun...
finally found huiying n grace after some time...
before i know..it was nearly 4 am in the morning already...
its like being on the dance floor for 3hrs plus without a break...
phewww...never saw tat coming...
hate to admit it...although its onli my 2nd time clubbing...
i kinda like the feelin, its juz feels different, it as though for tat moment i can have all the time to myself...
guess i can go high even dancing...haha
well..it was fun clubbing with my juniors hehe...
well left ard 4 plus...n made our way to the nearest mac...
haha...funny thing was my handphone n grace's housekeys were in wee kang's bag...
who in fact already left for his friend's place...
okay..so we had to wait till 6am b4 we catch a cab to bedok to retrive the housekeys n phone....haha...tat was quite interesting indeed...
so..lesson learnt..its better to carry ur belongings with u...
n also to bring ez-link card..to save on the cab fare...haha
sometimes the more u try to explain urself,
the more awkward i feel...
maybe its better tat i don't know certain things...
cos the more i know...
the more i feel i'm taking a step back...
the origin.1:19 AM
Thursday, December 07, 2006
its been a very long time since i blog...well let see...
decided to change the blogskin...chose a black n white one
cos sarah say i can be completely 2 different person, juz like black n white so here it is...
okay let me juz do the highlights...
prom, stand chart marathon,canoeing farwell
23rd November 2006
It was TPJC prom night.the night was one of glitz n glamour.
Everyone juz looked so different tat night. the girls were all so pretty n the guys were all well groomed. Took many many picts tat night. Haha pratically running from place to place n taking picts everywhere.These will always be precious memories to me. Prom with the class was fun...daphne, jy n mel all won something from the lucky draw, damn lucky la...
Anyway after the dinner, (the food was not tat bad actually), we went back to the hotel room to freshen up, n of course some went to change.
then the class headed down to DXO at esplande.
meet hy, grace, sarah n mr chua at the food centre outside DXO n chatted with them for a while, hy n grace headed over to zouk while i stayed at DXO.
OK to be honest, tat ws my first time clubbing.
Haha, honestly i kinda like the feeling being there althought the music aws damn loud. Didn't drink much, pauline,jy,daphne n i went to explore the place before we hit the dance floor again. Saw jon n wee kang there too...
after the party at 4am we went to look for 7-11 cos all of us damn thirsty...
we din want to get drinks inside DXO cos kinda dilute n not very nice also...
haha...saw jon...he was dead drunk la...blabbering nonsense n shouting somemore...

pretty jieying n me

the canoeing team

my dearest partner sarah

me, pauline, bang ling n kenneth
3rd December 2006
tat day was the standard charterd marathon n it was my first time taking part in a marathon...
honestly..i have not really trained for it.
huying, grace , sarah n i took part in the women's 10Km run...
but sarah fell sick so in the end din make it for the run...
actually the 10km run was not as bad as i thought it was...
in fact it was actually quite fun...
especially the last sprint tat u take...
the feelin was juz so amazing...
it juz feels really good la...
haha..even though thru the 10km we walked for abt 1km...
we managed to complete it in abt 1hr 12 mins...
actually for a first timer i guess its quite an alright timing already...
haha..saw a lot of ppl there.
ber,alvin,franz,mag,mel,choo,feng,jason were also there to run the 42km full marathon...
i really hand it up to them...
well saw some track members there also..guess the track team did take part too...
after tat still went to work...
it was killer...
the very nxt day din feel like waking up at all la...
muscle aching like shit...
the origin.7:07 PM
i AM myself
alicia ang
19 yrs old
28th July 88
smps, hscs, tpjc, SIM- economic n management
swimming, jogging, cycling, bladding, canoeing
reading, listening to music, dancing
chilling out with my friends
tpjc canoeing team ROCK!!!
tpjc 05S04 ROCK!!!
SIM Dragons rocks!!!
ppl who are nt straight forward
ppl who pretend to be who they are not
being the middle person
being taken for granted
being left out
**wish list**
to get gd A-level results (my foot!))
to have FUN
to get a job ( ntuc Lhub)
to get my driving licence (got it)
to get my bag (been wanting to do so since the begining of the yr)
to chill out with my friends
to go clubbing as and when i like(like its ever possible)
to get into uni( got into one)
to be HAPPY (it has been so long since i'm really happy)
my voice
do tag when u visit...
my past;
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