hectic week immediately after beng back from taiwan....
yearly family chalet at downtown east..haha...finally can bbq in peace cos it didn't rain (i prayed damn hard k) haha. as usual my bro's gang came n of course i had the usuals (grace, jon, wei min n wei ming) over...ate damn a lot!! even grace noticed.chat n had fun...well grace even said it was enjoyable. oh..the satays tat nite were fantastic too...thanks to the satay man(wei min)...my mum also say nice k..
went to sentosa in the aft with hy after work to meet up with the rest of the gang...first time on the luge..it was kinda fun except for the congested part..hahah. Then mr chua left early...it was followed by unsuccessful vollyball game, beach soccer and chattin in waters.
picked her up after her meetin and we arrived at abt 11 plus...well entry was 23 bucks..haiz.
But...money wasn't tat well spent...went to Phuture first n the music was juz terrible n also it was SUPER packed- the last fri for the guys tat juz POP (gals:guys 1:10 -jon say one) ...met jon, his buddy-jermain( i think), his sergent n one of his classmates.
Then cannot take it went to down to Zouk...haha..music was diferent..but had quit abit of fun.
Oh ya...durin our break tis guy n his fren came up to me n eli asking if we were waitin for someone..then we both laughed n said our frens are behind...he turned ard and when saw the 4 guys, he laughed too n apologised b4 walking away..hahha
Also tried some new drinks- Graveyard...its nt very nice...dun understand y ppl even drink tat...hahaha
then its back to phuture n tis time music got better n we stayed till 4. haha...
Monday, June 25, 2007
This entry shall be dedicated for the taiwan trip from 13-17 June 2007
Haha..this is the first time i'm on holiday with my friend. Me, huiying, huiying's aunt, hy aunt's friend and a little girl spent 5 dys in taipei. The trip was fun.
We only stayed in taipei so it was sight seing, shopping and of course eating!!!
the food there is simply delicious...mmm....
well hopfully i get to visit other parts of taiwan on my next trip there..
well..i shall let the picts tell u more about the trip there...
We were on the way taking the metro (aka mrt) to visit the tallest building in taipei ( Taipei 101). In the picture is me n hy holding the blue token ( like an ez link card). Interestin isn't it!! besides Taipei 101 we also visited 'New York New York' . These are juz shopping centres la..hahah

well after a long day of walking an shopping we spent the night at 'Raohe Nightmarket'.
This is a nice desert...crushed ice with lots of fruits and ice cream...yum yum....
that's huiying with a 25NT ice-cream. it was one of our favourites while we were at Ximending. For the 5 day trip i had a total of 3 such ice-cream..hahahah
while shoppin we saw tis...well both me and huiying totaly agree to this...dun u too grace!!! hahah =)
well...tats me with the famous ' zha ji pa' from the Shilin Night market...its reali reali reali delicious...haha..it has the longest queue at the night market...n most of all after eating that..compared to spore one..its reali nothin man...hahah!!! kinda miss it now...too bad...

that is another desert we had at shilin night markt. it is mango ' pao pao bing'...ice blended with fruits..yummy...
haha...smthin interestin....this is smthin like potato chips..well actually it is... the potato is sliced in a spiral way n fried...so when we eat we have to eat from the bottom...hahah...its reali tasty too...

we came here to see the changing ceremony of the guards. it takes place every hour so luckily we were there in time....hahah..the place was quite nice. except it was raining..hahah...

tis is a picture of me and huiying on the ex-residence of one of the presidents of taiwan. it is actually in the rose garden...haha...nice rite...hahah
well this is the famous 'Huo Tian Lun' at amara. the ride is alright...except that the view up there isn't fantastic at all....well i believe spore ferriswheel ride will be much better especially with our city's lights up at nite...muahahah....
well finally by the end of the trip...i'm proud to say tat my nails are still intact...nt bad rite...haaha...its an accomplishment for me..i painted and decorated each and everyone on my own..haha
anyway besides the food mentioned above...there is also this famous 'Ah Zhong min xian'....its is a type of noodles and it is totally unbelievably tasty...ahahh...okay throughtout the trip it was food and more food. Also, we shopped at Ximending and Wufenpu...bought clothes shoes and bags...hahah at quite gd prices...
anyway me and huiying got qiute a nice surprise when we came back...jon, wei min n grace actually came to pick us up at the airport. both of us were shocked to see them...hahah...had so much to catch up even though it was juz 5 days... (i really thank God tat i have such wonderful friends)
well the trip was enjoyable..relaxing...still i think the next time i go on trips i want to do more adventerous things. Smthing more fun and maybe with more friends too...maybe climb a mountain, backpacking, camping, treking, diving...blah blah...lots of things i wanna do n lots of places i wanna see....hahah well still i'm glad this trip took things off my mind and i got a well deserved break after 7mths of work immediately after the exams last yr...hahah
damn long post sia...okay i muz tell myself to stop...further updates maybe another day..hahh...
the origin.9:54 PM
Sunday, June 03, 2007
well tis entry is in red bcos i'm reali reali frustrated with life now...
for the past few weeks i'm not in a good mood and i reali hate myself for the way i am..
many things have happened and it is all taking a toil on me...
i'm tired...when will it be all over...
2nd JUNE
today went down to watch the PA races at bedok,i have to say that th juniors have put in efforts and although there were both tears of joy and sadness, they have done themselves proud. Many got into finals and i pray that all will go well for them.
then hy, grace, jon, wei min n me wanted to watch pirates of the carribean but all the show time were all selling fast except for those late nites one...well got to catch it next wk...
then went to chill at carl's junior...sat n chit chat...haha
well..for the past week and the following week has been work work n still work...
on the 9th MAy will e my last day at LHub..haha...after 6mths with the company...finally...
well will miss the fun time there though...
anyway i've been thinking a lot recently...got rejected by both ntu n nus...so thinking of wat to write for the appeal...(headache)
then to top of that i got news that my grand aunt has been dignosed with bone canner...and it dosen't look hopeful...
to top it off...my aunts have been callin to ask abt my uni admission..
they said a lot of mean and horrible things tat really mad me very upset and mad...
then i begin to think...why does ll bad things happen altogther...
why one after another...is there more to come...
well i have been askin GOD what are his plans for me...
i'm feel reali lost and hopeless...am i gettin anywhere? wat isit tat HE wants me to understand? i realli can't feel it, see it or understand it...
ever since i got my A levels results nothin goes my way...
haven't i had enuf? how much longer will tis go on? i got no idea...
since young i have always believed that workin hard i'll be able to get wat i want...
i believed i have worked hard.. i dun asked to be the best at everything...
but i have always been average or at least comparable among my peers...
yet now i'm reduced to almost nothin compared to everyone...even compared to my past...
i dun have a lot of wants, i'm a easily satisfied person...
i juz want a happy family, great friends and to get into Uni...
is that too much to ask for?
i've already lost the warmth i used to get from my family and more problems
are arising from it...is there more to lose?
wat will i be left with? i am afraid to look into the future...afraid to see wat is coming...
running away from reality has become a day to day thing from me...
yet i dun wan ppl ard me to be affected...so juz pretend i'm ok?
i'm tired...i'm losing it...
i know many ppl are facing other problems themselves too...
and if they can overcome it why cant i? i'm trying real hard to get over it...
life has become kinda meaningless now...as though it has lost it colour...
the origin.1:21 AM