Wednesday, July 11, 2007
This is the last day and the last event that will be held at the Singapore National Stadium. After that it will be pulled down to make way for a newer and with better facilities stadium. Anyway there was a soccer match there where Spore lost to Australia...sad rite..last match also lydat..haiz...
Anyway we bought tickets to the Lights Out party after the soccer match, met up with Fabian, Mag and Choo. Mel, Elvin n Ber was supposed to come too but couldn't make it last minute.
Unfortunately, the event turned to be total dissapointing thus we decided to head for MOS at 11 plus.
Picked Clarie up n met Mel there...the taxi driver was damn irritating!!! keep making sarcastic remarks...argh...
last look at the stadium!!!

mel, me n mag at MOS...

clarie and me on the cab home...zoned out!!
well we had a lot of fun that night..(well i know mel definitlyhad!!!-sweetie pie)
ermh..A***...hahah...okay...well thanks everyone for the company..!!!
came home in the wee hours...
N tats the 2nd consecutive week i'm clubbing already...haiz...cannot carry on lydat man!!!
i have no idea i'm lydat...the tot of wat i have become scares me too....
the origin.9:47 PM